Our Team
Executive Director
Oversees all aspects of the organization including Kinghaven, Valley House, Peardonville House, Mollie’s Place and the George Schmidt Centre.
Clinical Manager
Supervises Clinical Staff, schedules program delivery, develops “best practices” treatment modalities.
Addictions and Clinical Counsellors
Credentialed at the Masters/Bachelors level the Clinical Counsellors present education sessions, facilitate group therapy and work with assigned residents throughout their recovery journey.
Program Support Workers
With Bachelor’s degrees or College Diplomas in Addiction Studies these staff members conduct non-therapeutic groups, engage with clients in educational sessions and provide support.
Client Service Assistants
These front-line workers provide additional support to all residents and work closely with them on non-clinical issues throughout their stay.
Medical Staff
Dr. Singh- consults with all newly admitted residents and those already engaged in the program who need additional medical needs addressed.
Dr. Abid Khattak – a consulting psychiatrist at Abbotsford Regional Hospital address the mental health concerns of residents referred to him by the house physician or the clinical counselling staff.
“The Employment Readiness Program is a very, very helpful program giving much benefit and incite to those looking to back to work and for those that are uncertain of what they want to do or what is actually out there for them. I now have the employment direction, which will eventually be a career. Thank you.” SH